Enjoy the soothing sight and sound of running water with an enchanting wall fountain. Durable and resistant, unparalleled in their beauty and strength, fiberglass fountains are filely impervious to any and all weather conditions.
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Dolphin Wall Fountain L-193D
Lion Wall Fountain L-193L
The Joy Fountain
Amazingly lightweight, the lion wall fountain, dolphin wall fountain and the Joy fountain with their pleasing architectural classic designs add charm and interest to the interior and exterior landscape design. A waterfall in the courtyard garden, the terrace, patio, deck, foyer or the garden indoors and out creates the quiet, relaxing serenity of flowing water as does a wall fountain.
Interior and exterior fiberglass fountains add an artistic focus and bring a sense of style and tradition to your landscape design and courtyard garden. The dolphin wall fountain or lion wall fountain placed on the garden wall. The Joy fountain will offer a relaxing oasis of tranquility.
Many of the statues, urns and planters can be adapted and plumbed as a fiberglass fountain or water feature for the interior and exterior landscape design in addition to the courtyard garden. Browse and think about how you could create a fountain.